Renew Hotel Licence
Application to Renew Hotel Licence
The hotel licence to operate a hotel will expire on 31 December every year, regardless of the date of licence issuance. A Certificate of Registration and Hotel-Keeper's Licence are required under the Hotels Act to operate a hotel.
Applications for the renewal of the Certificate of Registration and Hotel-Keeper's licence can only be made in the last quarter of the calendar year. Licensees will be notified by email on the renewal application process and requirements.
Note: |
At a Glance
Application Period |
1 October to 15 November |
Hotel Licence Renewal Fees |
Certificate of Registration
Submission of Applications
Application for the renewal of the Certificate of Registration and Hotel-keeper's licence are to be submitted online via GoBusiness Licensing.
The following documents are required for the application:
Grant of Temporary Permission ("URA Permission") from Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA). All hotels with expiring URA Grant of Temporary Permission must submit the latest valid URA Permission.
Temporary Fire Permit (TFP) / Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) / Fire Certificate (FC) from the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF). If a Temporary Fire Permit was submitted as part of your hotel licence application previously, please submit the latest Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) / Fire Certificate (FC). All hotels with expiring Fire Certificates must submit the latest valid Fire Certificate.
Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) from the Building & Construction Authority (BCA). If a Temporary Occupation Permit was submitted as part of your hotel licence application previously, please submit the latest Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC).
Approval Process
You will be informed via e-mail if your application has been successfully processed. Payment is required to receive approval for your application and obtain your Hotel-Keeper's Licence. Please note that the Certificate of Registration will not be re-issued.
After payment is verified and the application has been approved, you will receive the Certificate and Licence via GoBusiness Licensing.
Please note that with effect from 1 January 2025, it is not a requirement under the Hotels Licensing Regulations for hotels to display the Certificate and Licence.
The Hotels Licensing Board reserves the right to prescribe additional conditions or waive existing conditions for any application for a renewal of the Certificate of Registration and/or a Hotel-Keeper's Licence.
For More Information
The step-by-step guide to guide you through the submission of the application for a renewal of the Certificate of Registration and Hotel-Keeper's Licence can be found here.
For further clarification, please email or call 6736 6622.